Thursday, August 26, 2010

State Fair Fun!

  The California State Fair is one of my favorite places to go in the summertime. The art exhibits ( which I did NOT get to see this year, sniff...) the animals, the rides, the shows, the fried food, the frying asphalt! I brought my Canon and got a few pictures to share. Enjoy!

This image is just hilarious to me for some reason!

My husband in a rare moment, posing for the camera!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Snapshot of Summer

  Summer is the best season.... warm nights, county fairs, a juicy peach from the farmer's market, the smell of coconut suntan lotion, yellow squash from Dad's garden, swim lessons, tri-tip sizzling on the grill, otter pops dripping down little chins, and lovely sunflowers....Summer is the best season.