Friday, July 30, 2010

Missing Anything?

This makes me laugh everytime I look at it :) We had missing tortoise signs up in our neighborhood a few weeks ago too! Hope you find your family little one-eyed pug! 

Monday, July 19, 2010

I ♥ Faces Entry "Over My Head"

This weeks theme at I Heart Faces is "Over My Head". Of course there are balloons over this birthday girls head, but she had run up to me so quickly while I was lying on the grass with my camera she was literally "over my head!" Check out all the great entries for this weeks theme over at


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Please Forgive Me Little Blog!

 I have been incredibly neglectful of my little blog, so sorry! The good news is- me and my new camera are becoming great friends, and I been working on various photography related projects while ignoring my little blog. Here is a recent family session, actually two families. The camera just LOVES these people! 

my goodness! I need a class on blogging....I can't even put my pictures where I want them....  ;)
Oh well, a photographer first, a blogger a very distant second. Here's more...